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First Name Directory - Starting with E

This site is dedicated to maintaining a database of first names from all over the world. We are still working to add all meanings to the names and sort them by gender, ethic and other behavior.

Most names come from the European and Arab area, especially italian, spanish, french and german firstnames.

Evaldas is a Lithuanian masculine given name.
Edgaras is a Lithuanian masculine given name.
Edmundas is a Lithuanian masculine given name and may refer to:
Edvardas is a Lithuanian masculine given name.
Edvinas is a Lithuanian given name, derived from Edwin.
Egidijus is a Lithuanian masculine given name.
Eimantas is a Lithuanian masculine given name. Individuals with the name Eimantas include:
Eduardas is a Lithuanian given name, derived from Edward.
Eimundas is a Lithuanian given name. The feminine form is Eimundė.
Nekrošius is a Lithuanian and Prussian male given name, derived from the eiti ('go') and manta rays.
A Lithuanian given name is derived from the eiti ('go') and mantas; Eimutis, a diminutive of Eimantas.
Eivydas is a Lithuanian given name.
Eligijus is a Lithuanian given name, derived from Eligius.
Elvinas is a Lithuanian given name, derived from Elvin.
Emanuelis is a Lithuanian given name, derived from Emanuel.
Emilis is a Baltic (Lithuanian and Latvian) male given name, derived from Emil. The feminine form is Emilė.
Erika is a Lithuanian male given name (derived from Eric).
Ernestas is a Lithuanian given name, derived from Ernest.

In the data base are, apart from modern and traditional first names also American, Arab, Germans, English, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Dutch, Northern, Russian, Scandinavian, Slavian, Spanish, and Swedish first names.

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Note: With an international list of names it can occur that some first names are identical to label names. Hereby we point out that all used marks are property of their respective owners.

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